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Rainbow Friends

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An exciting and enjoyable trip to an amusement park can turn into a waking nightmare at any moment. Another series of the original game is a clear confirmation.

What is to be done in the game world?

The user goes on an exciting adventure in a popular amusement park. However, the plans that friends made will remain dreams. At some point, the bus changes direction. Friends who planned to have a good time are trapped. After the accident, the vehicle lights up. Passengers wake up lying on the grass.
A moment later, the characters find themselves in a mysterious room. A loud voice is heard, which belongs to the unknown. He asks for help.
Gamers will spend several nights in this strange place. Each presents its own surprises. To leave this terrible place and help the unknown, you need to complete certain tasks. If the user does everything right, his mission will be successful. If not, he can always start the game again.
Each of the characters has its own abilities. The player must become familiar with them and use them to achieve the goal. Some abilities can be used in the most unexpected situations.

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